Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sweet Nothings Doula Educational:How to successfully choose a doula

I get this question a lot from potential clients. A lot of them are people who found me on and a few are from this blog, but a lot of them have recently come from my own past clients who have referred me to them. It feels so awesome when a previous client passes my name onto one of her friends. It is the highest form of flattery for a doula.
Anyways, the best ways I've seen that are useful in choosing a doula are:
1. Talk to her on the phone and see how she responds to your questions.
-Does she seem hesitant about your due date or the birth attendant you are going with
-Does she seem excited to be adding you to her list of births or does she sound stressed out
2. This one is a given, get together for a consultation meeting. Most doula's, myself included, do not charge a fee for this first meeting. Invite her over to your home to talk about what she offers, a price agreement, and what her contract entails.
-Make sure you have questions for her to answer. Such as...What kind of things would you be teaching us before we go into labor? What is your view on natural birth? What things do you bring to the birthing facility to help me cope with my pain? Do you offer payment plans? What other things can you provide for me that are included in the price? Do you offer aromatherapy?
-Is she certified with a trusted doula organization? OR does she have the experience you are looking for? OR is she training to be certified and needs to get her birth hours in?
-Remember that if you have any special circumstances ie...preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, high risk pregnancy, history of infant loss, stillbirth, or miscarriage, or any past sexual trauma you let her know ahead of time. She won't ask for details at that time but she will at least be informed before you both make a decision.
3. Something I suggest is to always interview at least 1 other doula in the area to make sure you really feel comfortable with who you choose. If neither of the doula's you interview feel right keep looking you will find the right one eventually.
4. Sit down with your birth partner, if you don't have one choose a friend whose opinion your value, and lay out all the pros and cons of each doula.
-What did you like about her?
-What made you unsure of hiring her?
-Was she in your price range?
-Did you feel a connection when you talked with her?
-Did she get along with your birth partner and value their opinion and answer their questions?
-Did she seem comfortable around you or was she nervous and on edge?
All of these things should be able to tell you which person you trust with your birth experience.
5. Call her and tell her you want to book your birth with her. Sign her contract if there is one and pay her the retaining fee if there is one of those as well. Most doula's book your first client meeting right then and you guys will become very good friends in no time at all.

I know that has a list of questions you can ask a potential doula in your consultation interview as well as some other guidelines to help you choose which doula you want. I am just going off of experience from past clients and what I have seen help me to understand that sometimes the connection just isn't there.

If you are searching for a doula in your area check out as well as If you are looking for a doula that is trying to certify I highly suggest asking a childbirth educator in your area or looking at doulamatch. A lot of doulas on that site are looking for birth hours to certify. has all the CD(DONA) doula's that have been certified through their organization.

Having a doula at your birth is a wonderful tool to help increase your chances of having a fantastic birth. Whether you plan to do it unmedicated or medicated she will know what to do to help you feel comfortable and informed on every aspect of the birth journey. Hire a doula today you won't regret it!!!

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